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Text File
528 lines
Version 5.1
Copyright 7th ILLUSION Enrg., 1990-1991
All Rights Reserved
Released April 27, 1991
7th ILLUSION Enrg.
Post Office Box 1334
Station H
Montreal, Quebec
USRobotics Courier HST 14,400 Bps
PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
Using the simplest configuration, PKinsert will let you insert a
comment to a range of archives. Other features which may be toggled
include an integrity test, virus scan, disclaimer file insert/delete,
and full activity logging.
No registration fees are needed to use PKinsert. Drop me a line if
you have any suggestions or (gasp) bug reports.
J.S. Morisset
A.k.a. Storm widow
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PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
PKinsert has been tested with Microsoft DOS v3.3/4.01 (French and
English) and Digital Research DOS v5.0. PKinsert may abort if used
from other operating systems or shells.
You must have (FILES=10) or more in your CONFIG.SYS.
Your PATH setting should include the following files ...
PKUNZIP.EXE - Archive utility from PKWARE Inc. Available for
download as PKZxxx.ZIP
SCAN.EXE - Virus Scanner from McAfee Associates. Available for
(optional) download as SCANVxx.ZIP.
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PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
Copy all the files from this archive to a permanent directory such as
C:\PKINSERT. You may, of course, use any other directory name and/or
In order for PKinsert to locate it's configuration file we must point
it in the right direction.
Environment Variable
From the DOS prompt or a batch file (usually autoexec), use the
command ...
SET PKINSERT=(config name & path)
Command Line
or, enter the path to your configuration file from the command
line using the (/) switch.
PKINSERT /(config name & path)
Call up PKinsert using the (/C)onfig command line switch. Use one of
the following methods ...
(PKinsert will ask for path and file name of configuration file)
PKinsert will ask you a few questions and then optionally save the
results. All the questions are fairly wordy so later you won't have
to pull out the manual every time you want to change something.
Work drive
You can double the speed of PKinsert by using a RAM-Disk! If not,
just enter the drive letter to your fastest Hard-Drive. This drive
should be big enough to extract your biggest archive.
Wildcard - calling PKinsert without parameters
Usually, you'll be passing PKinsert archive names through the command
line. But for those 'on the fly' jobs, you can simply type PKINSERT
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PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
and let 'er go. PKinsert will process files which match this filespec
in the current directory. Usually you will want to leave this at
(*.ZIP) but in case you don't follow the standard of ZIP or insert a
set or archives quite frequently, I've left it open to change.
Test Archives
To save time PKinsert only checks an archives integrity once, before
doing anything else. If you're positive PKinsert won't encounter
corrupted archives you can set this to (N)o. Processing bad archives
will have no effect on PKinsert.
Check Archives for Viruses
PKinsert can use SCAN.EXE from McAfee Associates. You can pick up a
copy from almost any good board as SCANVxx.ZIP.
Those of you without the luxury of a Ram Disk might find this a little
disk intensive.
PKINSERT.DAT (archive comment) File
The PKINSERT.DAT file can be changed to your liking. This text file
will be inserted as the archives 'opening screen'.
A couple of notes on it's conception. I don't recommend you use ANSI
codes, most users don't know about PKZIPs (-q) switch. If you make it
longer than 23 lines it'll probably flash by too fast to read.
Be as creative as you want. SysOps always enjoy a good graphic
competition. (grin)
Delete Disclaimer Files
PKinsert will optionally delete disclaimer files from other boards.
If you choose to use this option, create an ASCII file which contains
a list of filespecs to delete from archives. Wildcarding is OK. If
you're having problems with the concept, look up the (@) variable in
PKzip's manual.
Contents -> !HIS*.DIS
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PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
Be careful of the filespecs you enter in this list. In one archive it
might be a BBS disclaimer, in another it could be an important
documentation file.
Insert Disclaimer in Archive
PKinsert let's you add a Disclaimer file to every archive it
processes. An extension of DIS is usually preferred by everyone.
Please note that this is not a recommended practice. Users might
complain about the size and cluttering of archives. I've come across
archives which had five disclaimer files! All of which where useless
BBS adds.
Activity Logging
Just in case .... PKinsert will report the status of every archive it
processes. This is a good way to find out how many corrupted or
virused archives you receive.
When activity logging is on, PKinsert will not pause when it
encounters corrupted or virused archives.
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PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
There are only a few ways to call up PKinsert ... If you run PKinsert
without command line options, it will use the wildcard filespec you
entered earlier. Usually, you will specify the files to process.
Following are a few examples ...
C:\> PKINSERT *.zip
C:\> PKINSERT testzip1.* game???.* selfex.exe *-2.* d:\min\t1*.2??
C:\> PKINSERT f:\arc\123.*
In those cases PKinsert would have looked for the PKINSERT environment
variable to locate it's configuration file. If you are not using the
PKINSERT environment variable, or would like to over-ride it, use the
(/) command line switch. Here are some more examples using this
method ....
C:\> PKINSERT *.zip /c:\personal\me.cfg
C:\> PKINSERT /d:\board\node1.cnf
C:\> PKINSERT /d:\board\node1.cnf c:\arc\*.zip d:\work\*.zip
That's about all there is to it. If you've configured PKinsert
properly you should have no problems.
PCBoard SysOps using ProDoor might be aware of the TAGLINE environment
variable. This variable's value is attached at the bottom of messages
left in ProDoor. Several utilities for PCBoard have been released to
cycle taglines. Running PKinsert with this variable active, will
cause it to tag archive comments. PKinsert limits it's length to 58
C:\> SET TAGLINE=This is a funny little saying/signature ...
When using the virus scan option you will notice that an extra line is
added to your archive comment notifying users that this archive was
checked. You may expand this comment to include the version of the
scanner you used.
C:\> SET SCAN=6.3V72
The (/) command line option, which specifies the path and file name of
the configuration file, overrides the environment variable. You can
use this to your advantage by keeping a configuration file for the
board (using command line) and one for yourself (using environment).
The BBS might use all of PKinserts options while you would only use
the comment insert function.
PKinsert is meant to run as a BBS utility. As such it should NEVER
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PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
beep. There are however some exceptions .... 1 BEEP signals
detection of a virus, 2 BEEPS means an error occurred with PKinsert
which was not controlled. If this happens you should DEFINITELY
report it.
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PKinsert v5.1 Software Documentation
Version 3.1ß
Got rid of a few bugs. The timer feature in v3.0 wasn't working and I
got rid of it. Also shortened much of PKinsert's output. Error
trapping is also much improved! Let's hope it won't need it. <Ugg>
Version 3.20
Added support for DOSv4.0. Uses prodoor's TAGLINE environment
variable. Will now skip the archive test if set to [N]o.
Version 4.00
PKinsert now works with DOS4! ;-) Corrupted archives are caught and
renamed. Virus checking is also possible using McAfee Associates'
SCAN.EXE program. Work drive can be selected for quicker processing
on a RAM Drive. Configuration is now internal. No more messin'
around with a word processor. And last but not least PKinsert goes
Version 4.02
Fixed the colours in PKinserts logo. Also fixed a variable I had
forgotten about. PKinsert will now process numerous file specs again!
<Grin>. PKTMP environment variable is now external.
Version 5.0
10k Smaller and much faster! New features include ...
- Random work directory names.
- 0 byte files are no longer processed.
- Complete activity logging to disk.
- All options can be toggled on or off.
- Configuration path may be entered by environment variable or command
- Various configuration file names may be used.
- PKinsert will change drives and directories as it handles archives
for shorter DOS commands.
- PKinsert may add the virus scanner version to the archive comment.
- Compatible with Digital Research DOS 5.0 (actually, this is what
prompted this new release).
Version 5.1
Fixed an incompatibility problem with COUNTRY.SYS. Thanks to Yan Wolf
from Top 50 BBS in Paris, France for his help in tracking down this
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